AMCHA Letter to U.S. Secretary of Education -- Stop Funding Anti-Israel Programs

US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos speaks at a Conference in Washington (photo credit: REUTERS/YURI GRIPAS)

US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos speaks at a Conference in Washington (photo credit: REUTERS/YURI GRIPAS)

Spaca was proud to be a signatory on a letter sent in November to U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. The letter shared our concern about the epidemic support for an academic boycott of Israel on various college campuses. The letter furthermore explains how academic BDS impedes the educational opportunities of students and faculty and directly impair the purpose for which these centers had received federal funding.

Read the full story on the Jerusalem Post.



Students & Parents Against Campus Anti-Semitism (SPACA) seeks to empower and educate college students to stand up to anti-Israel campaigns and anti-Semitism on college campuses.