Anti-Semitic caricature of Alan Dershowitz generates no criticism from UC Berkeley hard left

Elaine Chung/Staff

B By Alan Dershowitz | Special to the Daily Cal

I was recently invited to present the liberal case for Israel at UC Berkeley. In my remarks, I advocated the establishment of a Palestinian state and a negotiated end of the conflict. I encouraged hostile questions from protesters and answered all of them. The audience responded positively to the dialogue.

Then immediately after my address, a poster was plastered outside the UC Berkeley School of Law with a swastika drawn on my face.

The dean of UC Berkeley School of Law, Erwin Chemerinsky, sent a letter condemning the swastika.


Students & Parents Against Campus Anti-Semitism (SPACA) seeks to empower and educate college students to stand up to anti-Israel campaigns and anti-Semitism on college campuses.